Have you ever stumbled into a situation and found your calling? This is what happened to a friend of mine. After living through an episode with lice, Andrea, discovered that she had a passion for educating and helping other families dealing with this pest. Now Andrea, a.k.a. Toronto Lice Lady, will literally come to your home and help you rid your life of lice. She started this business about a year ago...and has been busy all over the city...as her slogan says..."Getting you back to life, lice free." So, I wanted to find out what is happening in her kitchen these days.
Question 1: Tell me 3 things about yourself.
Answer 1:
- I've been very lucky to have been a stay at home mom for seven years. My two lovely children are a 3 year old boy and a 7 year old girl.
- I enjoy going on adventures with my kids. We love the Science Centre and the ROM.
- I'm a very curious person and love to learn new things. Currently fascinated with making
ice art and how to paint a T Rex mural on my son's wall.
Q2: Are you for, or against, small appliances on the kitchen counter?
A: I am totally for keeping small appliances on the kitchen counter. The first time I saw someone put their toaster away after use I laughed and laughed. I like things to be in view otherwise I forget about them and they would just collect dust. If the toaster wasn't out, I would never make toast again.
Q3: Name 5 things that are on your kitchen counter right now.
- Toaster
- small TV
- salt and pepper shaker
- box of miscellaneous things - toys, string, bills and it should have scissors and pens (though of course small people seem to make this disappear on a regular basis)
- bowl of change
Q4: Name the 1 thing you would change about your counter.
A: I would like to make it bigger! You need a lot of space if you want to keep your toaster and George Foreman Grill out. Counterspace is at a premium in my small kitchen. I got rid of the microwave for a while and it was awesome having the space.
Q5: What is your favourite thing to do on your kitchen counter?
A: It's probably against the rules in most kitchens, but I like it when the kids sit on it, we chat and make juice. It's nice having them at eye level. Having a hug without having to bear their weight is awesome.
After taking a peak into the kitchen of the Toronto Lice Lady we can see her priorities are the same as everyone else...quality time with her kids. Andrea noted to me how in the picture of her kitchen counter, her son is the one stealing the show! I don't know about your house, but the kids are always stealing the show around here! Have a great family day weekend!