Okay, tired of being stuck inside all winter? It's time to pull on those rain boots and get outside and explore! We've shared all kinds of fun printable spring activities for kids and, we have shared plenty of different scavenger hunts too. But, this spring scavenger hunt is filled with all the things we see, smell, feel and hear in spring. Be sure to check out all of our free printable games for kids.

Why do I love scavenger hunts so much? Well, scavenger hunts are a fun way to encourage kids to explore. Not all kids love getting outside and going for a walk or a hike. Scavenger hunts are fantastic tool for reluctant walkers. You know when you need to get somewhere on foot and your kids are not excited for the walk. Bring out a scavenger hunt and they'll be ready to go!
This spring scavenger hunt is also a great opportunity for kids to learn about how their neighbourhood is changing in the spring. Now that the snow has melted, watch for all the insects, plants and animals that are heading "outside" too.
Spring Scavenger Hunt for Kids
our spring scavenger hunt
Get started by printing our spring scavenger hunt. I like to print our scavenger hunts on cardstock so they are a little more durable. This is especially helpful for going on a scavenger hunt on a rainy day. But, feel free to print on whatever paper you have on hand.
Clip the scavenger hunt into a clipboard. This is totally optional, depending on how you will be using the scavenger hunt. If you are going on a long road trip, a clipboard will help you keep the paper in place and the kids can search from their car seat. But, if you're going to be running around the neighborhood, leave the clipboard at home and just fold the scavenger hunt up if you need to...another good reason to use cardstock.
Okay, your scavenger hunt is printed, your boots are on and it's time to get going. Don't forget your pencil! You'll need something to check off all the items as you find them.
As the kids locate an item they need to check it off the list. Encourage the kids to keep track of each item they find - if they see 4 birds that should be 4 tally marks or check marks. At the end they can tally up how many insects, animals, plants and springy items they have found. Scavenger hunts are a fun, educational activity. Not only are they reading and doing a little math, but this will hopefully spark some discussions around the items on the list. Where have the worms been all winter? What flowers are popping out of the ground first? What types of birds do you see?
How to Play with a Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger hunts can be for a specific length of time - for instance, 20 minutes to see how many items you can check off. Or, they can be for a specific place - for instance, how many items can we find on our walk home from school? As I said earlier, scavenger hunts are great in the car too. Search while driving to grandma's house.
Sometimes it's fun to have a prize for the most items checked off. This is if the hunt is being used during a birthday party. Or, maybe make the prize for whomever can do compelte the hunt the quickest? We usually skip the prizes and make our spring scavenger hunt an ongoing activity. Pull it out every time you go for a walk around the block. How will you play with your scavenger hunt?
Have fun with our Easter egg scavenger hunt
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