My daughter loves it when I slip a note or joke into her lunch box. It gives me a little smile when I pass her a full lunch box knowing that she'll be reading a knock knock joke to her friends later that day.

A simple act that brings joy. This got me thinking about Mother's Day.
Wouldn't I, as a mom, love to receive a little surprise note from my daughters? Sure would. The only problem is not all moms use a lunch box. Then it dawned on me what if these notes were left in spots around the house where a mom would most definitely be. Grab a pad of post-it-notes and off the kids go!
In mom's eyeglass case
In mom's book
In mom's tea cup...empty of course
The list of places where these notes can be hidden is endless. What about inside mom's wallet, on the calendar or in her shoes. How easy and inexpensive and yet meaningful and lovely. Now, I can't really suggest my OWN Mother's day gift. Right? Fortunately, I have many other "mother's" in my life that my daughter's can make these notes for. My girls made a few to slip into their grandmother's purses. Do you give Mother's day gifts to other women, who are mothers, in your life? Like my mother-in-law, my sister (new mom), my sister-in-law, girlfriends, etc.
KitchenCounterChronicles says
Linked up, thanks for stopping by!
Carrie says
Thank you!!
andie jaye says
i love this idea. i read a story about these sometime ago. but it was between an old woman and her husband. so sweet! thanks for sharing at tip-toe thru tuesday!
KitchenCounterChronicles says
Lovely. they make a nice keepsake.
Marnie @ Carrots are Orange says
I am a huge fan of leaving little notes on various places for my family to find throughout the day, always have been...inspired by my mother, of course. Thank you for inspiring me!
KitchenCounterChronicles says
My girls have just got into leaving notes on the bathroom mirror...puts a smile on your face!