Turn down my expectations
This isn't meant to sound so sad. I simply mean that I spend a lot of time teaching my kids about having realistic expectations and yet I have grand expectations for one day out of the entire year. Perhaps having realistic expectations might help me appreciate whatever I receive.
Spend some time alone
It always sounded counterintuitive to me to spend time alone on mother's day...not this year. I'm not talking about spending the entire day away from the family. I just might take a few minutes to work in the garden, alone, or go for a walk, alone. Enjoy some peace...and then embrace the family when I return.
Let go of some GUILT
Don't we as mothers all feel some amount of guilt. Why? I'm not sure. But maybe this mother's day I'll allow myself to let go of some of it. Whether it's guilt over not letting my kid not have that particular toy, or guilt over not doing this or doing too much of that. Let...it...go.
Reflection and gratitude
Deborah @ Teach Preschool says
Sounds awesome! Sending you wishes for a happy and reflective Mothers Day! You deserve it!
KitchenCounterChronicles says
Ah, thanks Deborah! You too, Happy Mother's Day.
The Iowa Farmer's Wife says
Wonderful ideas! Happy Mother's Day to you! And if I'm being honest, the one thing I'd like on Mother's Day...is a nap. 🙂
KitchenCounterChronicles says
Pencil me in for one of those too!
tori says
What a nice thought - really like your 'gift' ideas.
Debs- Learn with Play @ home says
Great ideas 😀
rachelle | tinkerlab says
Fantastic ideas. I'll also be taking a little time for myself, and I won't feel guilty about it! Happy Mother's Day.
megan says
All great ideas. I think spending time alone is really important and it's something I've been trying to do more of, especially before baby #2 comes. I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day:)