I love theme days! Days that someone else thought up and I can easily jump on board with. World Wildlife Fund's "National Sweater Day" is one of those days.
National Sweater Day is meant to raise awareness of all the usual suspects; global warming, energy consumption, etc. By wearing a sweater you symbolically show your support for WWF and their quest to slow global warming. As a side benefit the push to lower the thermostats in homes also results in lower gas/electric bills...not bad. Some of the stats that WWF are focusing on can be found at this link.

This morning I perused my sweater collection, in search of the perfect sweater...and I decided to go with the oldest one in the stack. My red and white hand knit sweater from when I was around 10 years old. That Christmas my mom had knit a sweater for everyone. A blue and white one for my brother...and I think...a maroon and white one for my sister. Clearly, the fact that mine still fits is an indication of two things 1) I haven't grown since I was 10 and 2) my mom made it a little large for me. Whatever the reason, I am wearing it happily today. My husband and daughter's are wearing their favourite sweaters too.
The plan is to drop the thermostat 2 degrees, for an hour at the end of the day, when everyone is home. That means we will be sitting at the dinner table in a house at around 18F...not too bad.
I can't wait to hear how NSD went over at school! The Green Team took on this initiative this year. Looking forward to March 26th...Earth Hour!