As you know we love all things bees. We've learned how to create a bee-friendly garden and we've done our best to invite bees into our gardens. We also love particular, we love great children's books. So, it seemed like we should combine our love for our bees with our love of books and create a list of the best bee books for kids to read.

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Let's face it, not everyone loves bees. Parents and kids can be scared of bees. If you've ever been stung by a bee it definitely hurts...a lot. How many times have you seen a kid running around the park, screaming about a bee chasing them? Many times.
But, like everything in life the more we learn about bees the more we begin to understand bees and truly understand why we don't need to be afraid of them. In fact, we should be finding ways to keep as many bees alive as possible - our lives actually depend on them.
So, let's explore these fiction and non-fiction nature books for kids and learn all about bees.
Nature Books for Kids: Best Books About Bees for Kids

National Geographic Readers: Bees - When we are looking for a great book about nature our first stop is National Geographic books. This book is packed with pictures, quick facts, funny jokes, quizzes, and more engaging ways to teach kids about bees. A really great place to start exploring bees with kids.
The Bee Book by Charlotte Milner - Here's another great information-packed book about bees for kids. With simple illustrations, the author provides facts for kids with simple text. The book includes ways that you can help bees at home.
Beehive (Happy Fox Books) by Petra Bartikova and Martin Sojdr - Wow! This book is very cool. Turn the pages and open up different layers of a beehive. This book combines facts with fun illustrations. This a great bee book for younger kids who are curious about what bees do inside a beehive.
Bee: A Peek-Through Picture Book by Britta Teckentrup - Peek into this book and follow a little bee through his day. Illustrations combined with sing-song text carry readers from flower to flower all the way to the bee's busy hive.
What if There Were No Bees? A Book About the Grassland Ecosystem by Suzanne Slade - This is a great bee book for all of those kids who are afraid of bees. Discover what the world would be like if we didn't have bees. What role do they play in our food chain? Simple and factual natural science book for kids of all ages.
Turn This Book Into a Beehive! And 19 Other Experiments and Activities That Explore the Amazing World of Bees by Lynn Brunelle - I love a good bee activity! This book is packed with facts, illustrations and engaging activities and experiments. Hands-on ways to learn about the importance of bees.
Give Bees a Chance by Bethany Barton - Getting stung by a bee totally stinks. It hurts. The author takes readers beyond the sting and with cartoony illustrations shows readers how important they are to our environment. I love how the author acknowledges the downside of being stung and balances it with the benefits of bees. Great lesson for kids.
Are You A Bee? by Judy Allen - Here's another bee book for the younger kids. The beautifully illustrated story of a little bee bopping its way around the garden. Informative, but not overwhelming with facts. A lovely book to introduce kids to bees.
Bruno the Beekeeper: A Honey Primer by Aneta Holasova - Have you and your child been inspired by all of these bee books? Maybe you're thinking of starting a beehive of your own? Follow Bruno the Bear through his experience with building and maintaining a beehive. This bee book is for older kids who are looking for more technical information about bees but still love a delightfully illustrated story.
1001 Bees by Joanna Rzezak - Imagine everything you could learn from 1001 bees! I love the simple illustrations in this book about bees. Wow! Another book filled with facts about bees, beehives, pollination, and more.
The Secret Lives of Bees: Meet the Bees of the World with Buzzwig the Honey Bee by Moira Butterfield - I enjoy it when a book combines cute illustrations with interesting information. Spend some time with Buzzwig the honey bee and explore bee folklore from around the world. Kids will learn all kinds of bee facts with the cute Buzzwig.
Honeybee: The Busy Life of Apis Mellifera by Candance Fleming - An amazingly illustrated book about the lifecycle of a honeybee. We meet Apis as a young bee and watch as he takes his first flight into the wide world. Learn about bees living inside and outside of the hive...from birth to death. A stunning, award-winning nature book for kids.
The Bee Book: Discover the Wonder of Bees and How to Protect Them for Generations to Come by DK Books - If your child is looking for a book filled with facts and information, then this is the book for them. Learn all about bees, their homes, pollination, the role bees play in our ecosystem, and much more. There are even some crafts and activities too. Great book for those who really want to learn.
The Honeybee Man by Lela Nargi - Did you know there are beekeepers in big cities? Meet Fred the honeybee man and his rooftop hive in Brooklyn, New York. A story that follows Fred and his bees and his famous honey.
Save the Bees (Save the Earth) by Bethany Stahl - Here's one for the young environmentalist in your family. Save the Bees introduces readers to a group of friends who try and help their bee friend. Learn about pollination and the important role bees play in our lives. A cute storybook with a wonderful eco-message.
Bee & Me by Alison Jay - A picture says a thousand words. That's exactly how I feel about Alison Jay's picture books. This book follows the friendship and adventures of a young girl and a bee. It's fantastical, and beautiful and does not have any facts or even any words. Sometimes pictures are enough.
Do you have a favorite book about bees? Share it here, in the comments, I'd love to check it out. I hope this list will inspire you and your kids to love bees and find ways to keep them healthy and happy.
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