The end of the year is upon us and it's time to have some fun! I love creating Would You Rather games for kids of all ages and this time around I've come up with a set of fun New Year's Eve would you rather questions that will be great to pull out on NYE this year.

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New Year's Eve is a fun night, especially when you fill the evening with fun games. While the music is playing and the television is tuned to a channel to catch the ball drop in New York it is a great time to play games with family and friends. We have created a set of New Year's Eve would you rather questions to debate all night long.
New Year's Would You Rather Questions Game
our New Year's would you rather questions
white cardstock
jar or bowl
Begin by clicking on this link to print our New Year's Eve Would You Rather Questions. I like to print our would you rather questions on cardstock, that way they are a little more durable than using regular printer paper. For this game of Would You Rather you will want the slips to be durable. When you have the would you rather questions printed out, it’s time to cut out the individual slips and have some fun.
I find that the best part of playing the game is the discussions that everyone has. Sometimes it is easy to make a choice. Other times it is tough to decide. Even when it is particularly easy to decide what option you would rather do…the fun comes in when your child has to defend her position.
- Would you rather have to walk backward all January or hop on one foot?
- Would you rather be able to talk to animals or read people's minds?
- Would you rather make 10 resolutions you can break or 1 resolution you CANNOT break?
How to Play Would You Rather Game
Now, it's time to turn these questions into a game. Fold the questions slips in half and place them inside a jar. Place the jar in the middle of the table. Decide which player goes first...I like having the youngest or oldest player go first. The first player pulls out a question and asks the person to their right the question.
Start a 1 minute timer. The person answering has 1 minute to come up with an answer. The answer cannot be "neither" or "both". They must choose an option and they must defend their choice to the group. I like the idea of keeping the timer at 1 minute because the added pressure pushes the player to decide. However, you could set a longer timer if you like.
When the player is done with their answer the group can discuss or move on. The player who answered the question now chooses another slip and asks the player to their right the next would you rather question.
You can simply make your way through the entire jar of questions or you can set a timer for the length of the entire game.
There aren't any winners or losers. The object of the game is just to have fun contemplating the questions. You could select a "best answer" winner, "funniest answer", or "most thoughtful answer".
You don't have to play a game with these questions, our would you rather games make a great classroom activity. They can be used as a classroom ice breaker for kids or pull them out at the classroom holiday party. Another option is to keep a copy of the questions in your car and pull them out on long road trips.
Check out all of our amazing sets of Would You Rather Questions
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