While walking through the grocery store the other day, I was delighted to see the arrival of the Easter chocolates. Chocolate is my favorite go-to treat. When I saw the eggs, all lined up on the shelves, my mind immediately jumped to thoughts of spring. I cannot get through spring without indulging in one…or two…Cadbury Crème Eggs. I grabbed a couple (in their new easy-to-open packaging) as a treat. After slugging through a long, cold winter is there any greater reward than spring and Cadbury Crème Eggs? Be sure to check out all of our free printable games for kids.

Outdoor Easter Egg Hunt
Combine spring with chocolate and you have Easter. This year we are planning on switching things up for our Easter egg hunt – we are going to be taking it outside. You know we love outdoor adventures and scavenger hunts. In the past, we have searched for signs of spring, created magical maps, and gone on an Earth Day scavenger hunt. It’s only natural that we would take on an outdoor Easter egg hunt.
What I don’t want to do is overly complicate things, the event is all about the chocolate, the candies, and the hunt. I have created a series of free printables to help make the outdoor Easter egg hunt simple and fun for everyone. Click the link to print off your own Outdoor Easter Egg Hunt props.
It is easy to turn these printables into lawn signs – just print them on card stock and tape a stick, or skewer to the back of the sign. Poke the signs into the lawn and help lead the kids to the hidden treats.
Place the note introducing the egg hunt in a place that will be easily spotted by the kids when they come downstairs on Easter morning…and they are off to the races.
The best thing about these printable signs is that they can be used any time of the year – it’s always a great time to have a hunt for hidden chocolate eggs.
Now that spring is officially on its way and the milk chocolate mini eggs and Crème Egg candies have arrived at the grocery store, I think it’s time to hunt for my very own Crème Egg…I have to make sure the kids don’t find all of those!
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Andrea @ personallyandrea says
Jen, so cute with the printable signs! We've always done this with our kids, some years it's been freezing! Every year I say I'll plan a big egg hunt for the neighbourhood kids but it always sneaks up on me and doesn't happen. Maybe if I print these off now ...
Jen says
Yes, I have a friend who does the giant street hunt...I'm not quite that organized...but it would be so much fun.
heather meads says
Ahhhh yes I see the stores are stocking the Easter goodies too! I love the Cadbury chocolates - yummmmm. Thanks for the printables too, that's a great idea!
Jen says
Jeannine says
I've been eating Cadbury Mini Eggs for a month now... mmm so good. What a cute idea!
Jen says
Me too!
Laurie@ Vin'yet Etc. says
Nothing screams Spring like all of the Easter goodies... the colours the flowers, the bonnets, brings me back to the excitement of the hunt right away! What a great idea, pinning!
Jen says
Thanks...I think I love the colours most of all.
Cass@frugalfamily says
This is fab!
Thanks for joining in with this week's #FabulouslyFrugal x x
Aly says
Oh your Cadbury mini eggs are a different colour to U.K ones, I love pastels colours.We do love egg hunts at easter.Thanks for taking part in the Parenting Pin-It Party.