Happy New Year outdoor play lovers! I'm not certain what the weather is like where you are, but around here the first snow of winter has fallen. Winter is the time when Canadians put the phrase "no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing" to the test. I say, bring it on. The moment we had all been waiting for arrived over the holidays...Arthur, our dog, got to experience snow for the very first time. It was so much fun to see him romp around, belly deep in the snow.

I wanted to say "thank you" to everyone who linked up to the Outdoor Play Party in 2012. We absolutely love putting on this party and spreading our passion for outdoor play around the world. Now, for the very first time in 2013, it is time for you to link up your outdoor play activities. Please, feel free to grab our button and place it in your site's side bar, or add a link back to our party. We will happily share your post on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. By contributing your post to this linky party you are giving permission for an image and link to your post, to be republished if you are featured.
jackie says
...and even more magical when you wake up to it on Christmas morning! Wasn't that just the best?
Cerys @ Nature and Play says
How we wish for snow here 🙁 instead of snow we've got diasies growing, blossom on trees and bulbs starting to peep above the surface
Kierna C says
Oh your snow looks so fluffy & inviting - very, very jealous! Kierna
Rebekah says
I would just like one snow fall. Can you send some down to TX?!
It's been chilly for us here, in the 30's, and it's really not the kids who feel it, but this Mama. 😉
Sad to say, we never have snow where we are in Melbourne Australia. I wish we did, it would bring a whole new dimension to the preschool experience! Thanks for sharing Jen! 🙂
Andie Jaye says
so many great ideas to use!! pinned and shared on FB.