This week the rink of choice is situated in a local park...Greenwood Park (at the north/west corner of Dundas St and Greenwood Ave). When I chat with other mom's in our 'hood Greenwood Park always seems to pop up. The best thing about this park is that they have 2 rinks! One rink has boards and the other does not. The rink with the boards is primarily used for shinny and the other is primarily used for pleasure skating. When my daughter came home she was exhausted...they had skated for an hour! This skating once a week is really going to improve their skills. Fingers crossed everyone is healthy this week so we can ALL get outside to skate. Here's the breakdown.

Mama Pea Pod says
What a great challenge to have taken up, I'm enjoying reading about it and looking forward to more posts 🙂
KitchenCounterChronicles says
So far, so good. Are there many/any outdoor rinks where you are? Thanks for following along.
multiplemummy says
To skate every week is a challenge! Very impressive. The problem I find with more than one child, is that one is usually poorly - they rotate don't they?
The only let down for me on this one is the hot chocolate availability! It is a must so i am think hot flask!
Thank you for linking up to Family Frolics! Please come back this week with another post. 🙂