You know those days when you doubt and question everything. I'm sure you've had one of those days. I can't be the only one?
My youngest daughter has always been susceptible to stomach bugs. If anyone in our house is going to be up in the middle of the night vomiting, it's my little one. So, I've always said "she has a sensitive stomach". However, the last month has been tough. Over the holidays she was sick for a week. Every morning. And, then yesterday she was back at it again...so soon after the last round. Enter the self doubt.
Is there something more to this? Am I letting my active parenting imagination get away from me? Probably.
We don't go to the doctor too often, once a year for a check up...that's it. This last little while I've found myself making more trips. That is telling me something.
So, today we'll be back at the doctor's looking for some kind of answer or direction. We'll probably get the typical "it's just a bug" response. Maybe that's my parenting imagination getting away from me?
I think that this is a natural and normal part of parenting. You wish/expect someone to be there to tell you exactly what is happening with your child. You doubt your own decisions. You question yourself...until you follow your instincts and see where they lead you. Today, my instincts are leading us to the doctor's office. One of those days.
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