I love baking...but, sometimes baking brings me to tears...ask my husband. I will follow a recipe and then somehow the dough just does not come together like the author said. My nemesis is pastry dough. Many tears have been shed over a pastry dough that was too moist or too dry. So, the first spot I went to on RobinHood.ca was the Bake Class area. The Bake Class is an encyclopedia of baking videos, including a video for making pastry dough. I love how smoothly the videos move - not too quick and not too slow. I am a very visual person, I need pictures and videos. Seeing what the dough should look like is so helpful when baking.
Of course, the next place I visited was Baking With Kids. I have always loved the idea of setting a baking date with your kids, an idea that Robin Hood has been promoting over the last couple of years. Setting the time aside to bake with your kids makes spending time in the kitchen with kids a priority. Baking is not only a wonderful learning opportunity, it is also a great relationship building opportunity. Baking With Kids has some delicious, simple recipes to make baking with kids easy and fun.
Finally, I joined the Robin Hood Community. A cross between Facebook and Pinterest, I can see how the Robin Hood Community will become an easy way to catalogue recipes and share ideas with other bakers. Trouble shooting baking problems with others can really help when that pesky dough just won’t come together...I hate to bring it back to pastry dough again.
I am ready to get back into baking all the classic fall baked goods and back to school treats. I’m sure RobinHood.ca is going to be a resource I use often. Be sure to swing on by and have a look at the new modern, clean look of the site. I can’t wait to give the pastry dough recipe a try...wish me luck.
Is there something that you try and bake that is more challenging than anything else? What is your baking nemesis?
Disclosure - this post was generously sponsored by Robin Hood, but the opinions are my own. For more information visit robinhood.ca. all images sourced from robinhood.ca