I've been in a funk lately. I haven't felt motivated to write. There has been an invisible string keeping my hands off the keyboard. This wouldn't be a problem, if I didn't write a blog. This spring funk has been on my mind a lot. So, as I walked home, after dropping the girls at school this morning, it came to me. The best solution for writer's block (if that's what this is) is to write and share.
Although, this spring funk reaches beyond the blog. It's Easter weekend in 2 days and I finally put out some Easter decorations yesterday. I usually have my Easter stuff up weeks before the big day. I have a bag full of dirt and a pile of seeds, ready to be planted...sitting and waiting. I have a to-do list as long as my arm. Spring cleaning things that need to be started. Nope, I'm not able to do any of it.
I cannot be the only one...I know I'm not the only one. It's hard when you hit the metaphoric "wall".
So here I sit, taking my own advice. I used to be a professional advice giver and what would I tell a client who was stuck in a funk? Start small, do something...anything. Small steps lead to big steps. Seems logical to me.
Fingers on the keyboard writing. Let it all happen and see where this small step leads. Writing empties everything that is inside of me, leaving room for more things to grow. Come on growth.
So, my challenge to myself is to tackle something on the to-do list today, write this post and get the seeds ready to plant. Are you experiencing a spring funk? Do you know what I mean? If you do, join me in taking a small step today. Do something easy, you don't have to get it done, just get it started. Let's see where we end up.
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Kierna C says
I know exactly what you mean Jen, sometimes if it wasn't for the OPP I wouldn't get a post written! Hang in there & it will pass.
Jen Farr says
Thanks Kierna, which reminds me I have to get that code out!
Cerys @ Rainy Day Mum says
Yep I'm there or I was and everything had gone to winter blues... I started to turn it around at the end of last week it was the shock of seeing my life through my parents eyes they expressed a worry about what I wasn't doing like normal. Small steps and working up to the big things.
Jen Farr says
Ah, Cerys I know it must have been hard to hear it from your parents, but how great of them to be open and honest with you. I'm more than certain you will be doing big things soon.
Cerys @ Rainy Day Mum says
I felt like a child again being told of but understand where they were coming from just the sharp shock I needed I think.
Ashley @ Forgetful Momma says
I`m there with you. I have barely blogged or anything since the first of the month when we moved. I definitely have the winter blues or writers block, whatever you want to call it. I'll have an idea for a blog post but just can't seem to write it out. And like you said, its not just the blog, but everyday life too. Hoping April will be much better!
Jen Farr says
Well, Ashley like most things in life, sometimes recognizing your in a funk is the first step to making a change. Here's hoping April gives us all the push we need.
inspiredmoments says
i love how you followed your own advice here. it's inspired me to do the same... my funk has been ongoing for a while, as it stems from loss and grief... and yet with three little kids the realities of Spring and Easter must be embraced. So, today, I will start small too. Thank you.
inspiredmoments says
By the way, i just recently discovered your blog... it's wonderful. thank you for sharing such authentic and natural ways to stay present with our kids... mine are just a bit younger, but the ideas still ring true. thank you.