So, what’s this Tech Timeout Challenge by life insurance provider, Foresters all about? It’s about walking away from the screen (t.v, computer and phone) and making family time a priority. Our entire family has signed the official pledge form...we’re committed to spending 1 hour a day tech free all summer long. You can commit to 1 hour a day for a week, we’re just enthusiastic. Phew!
I have to say, completing this challenge during the daytime wouldn’t be that hard. We’re an outdoor play kind of family. However, to make this challenge really work for our entire family we have decided to commit to an hour in the evening. To be honest, my husband’s suggestion was to take the timeout between 1am and 2am. I really think my husband is going to have the hardest time with this challenge. He’s already informed me that legally he has to keep his phone “on”, but he can certainly put it down for an hour. Pretty funny, right? As for my girls, when I told them their initial reaction was “NOOOO!”. But, honestly it only took me one minute to remind them of all the fun board games we can play, the bike rides we can take and the books we can read together. By the time we ended our conversation, my youngest daughter asked “Can the break be longer than an hour?”
Let’s face it, kids (moms and dads) gravitate toward screens when they are tired, bored and their options for play have dried up. I suppose the real challenge is thinking up alternative play ideas...fortunately Foresters has put together a fun list of 50 things to do as a family without technology and they have created a great Tech Timeout Pinterest page. Think about it, how would you spend an hour tech free with your entire family?
So, the challenge is on! Will you join us? Be sure to head over to the Tech Timeout Challenge by insurance provider, Foresters site and fill out the pledge form. Throughout the summer I’ll be sharing our progress on our Facebook page and in September I’ll report back on how we did over the ENTIRE summer.
This post was generously sponsored by life insurance provider Foresters, but the opinions and images are my own. For more information, visit
Kelly @ City Mom says
Good luck! I am taking the pledge too and I must admit, I'm a little nervous but I'm so looking forward to creating new habits! Keep me posted on your ups & downs!
Jen says
Good luck to you. I think it should be pretty long as I have a game plan in place we should be okay.
Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas says
summer has just begun and I am already battling the #techwars. LOVE this idea. I have to admit it might be hard for me - summertime is a great time for me to catch up on the things I miss during the school year.
Jen says
I know that this is going to be just as hard on me as it is on my kids! But so worth it!
Jamie @ hands on : as we grow says
Printing out the pledge now. I love this idea Jen! I'm not going to say I'm going to be good at it, but its something we should definitely do.
Jen says
Awesome! Good luck..we're gonna need it!
Terri says
This is definitely something we need to do! It can be so hard to pull away from all that technology!
Trisha says
We are working on limiting our technology use this summer as well!
Jen says
Awesome...I wish you luck. Isn't it amazing how reliant we have all become!
maryanne @ mama smiles says
I try to stay off technology for three-hour segments at least twice a day, and it makes life so much more enjoyable!
Jen says
Wow, you are amazing!