make our own sidewalk chalk
explore space with Chris Hadfield
ride our bikes to Cherry Beach
have a fabulous time at my sister-in-law's wedding
make a sun print
read at least one book a week
take a break from technology every single day
play volleyball with water balloons
learn about Nelson Mandela
make homemade popsicles...experiment with flavours and recipes
learn to play croquet
start and maintain a gratitude journal...the girls and me
make real lemonade
go berry picking
go to the zoo to see the pandas
join the Toronto Public Library Kids Book Club
teach the girls how to operate the sewing machine
learn about New York City - watch movies and read books
take bikes to the Toronto Islands
eat lots of veggies and herbs from the garden
teach the girls how to make one meal each...beginning to end
fly a kite (always on our list and never seems to get done)
go to NYC for the US Open (tennis)
have a sleepover
Well, there it is all written down. Do you think this will fill 2 months? I certainly hope so. If you're wondering what you can look forward to on the blog this summer...this list is a good place to start. What is on your summertime fun list? Any special vacation plans?
paula schuck says
Great bucket list. Ours was not realized last year as we got too busy and my work took over. Reluctant to try again this year. I may need to simply scale it back this year and make more realistic goals. That might be the smartest approach.