Thanksgiving is only a few days away. We will be hosting a family dinner with my husband's side of the family this Sunday. We are getting all the last minute preparations out of the way. Instead of the usual Friday "Kitchen Counter Confidential" post, today I decided to ask some of you what you are most thankful for. Today and Monday my posts will simply be the lovely answers I received. Please, feel free to add anything you might be thankful for in the comment section below the post...or email me and I can add your thoughts to Monday's post.
What am I thankful for? I can't very well ask everyone else without answering the question myself. Many things pop into my mind...health, husband, friends, love, etc, etc. However, when I really reflect on what it is I am thankful for I can sum it up by saying...time. Time is always moving ahead, always passing by. Time allows me to watch my daughters grow a little each day. Time is a gift my husband and I have worked very hard at sharing for many years now. When I think of my mother's passing - what is the one thing I would love is more time - with her. Yes, good health is a beautiful gift - but even after her diagnosis and even when she was fighting with everything she had - we still had moments of time that can never be replaced and I will forever treasure. I'm also thankful for the time to come...the laughter that will fill our house this weekend while we spend time with our adorable nephew and our wonderful family. Time, I am most thankful.
I actually have 2 things I'd love to share... One being that I live in a country with many faults, but none of those faults inflict on my rights to be an active member of it's society. And secondly, that I am surrounded by some truly great friends who constantly remind me that there are still good people in the world who care.
M.R. Toronto, Ontario
My husband who puts up with me. Beautiful nature all around me. Air conditioning and heating in my home making me comfortable. My kids and the delight they bring to life. Modern day conveniences like toilets, water in my sink, refrigerators, and cars. I don't think I would have made a very good non modern day woman!!!
L.P.W. - Pennsylvania, USA
Thanksgiving is always a time that I like to stop and really consider what I am truly most thankful for. I guess I can sum it up by saying that the more thankful I am for everything good in my life, like having some amazing women friends who are mostly in their 80's and 90's and that they share their wisdom with me. The more thankful I am, the more rewarded I get. As Albert Schweitzer put it... "We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit."
K.C. Clearwater, Florida
My Husband who spoils me, kids who I'm so proud of, and that we are able to give them the opportunities they have to travel and learn about the world.
JRV - Budapest, Hungary
Thankful for having my daughter well…
R.S.L Etobicoke, Ontario
After a year full of many battles for myself, my mom and my best friend; I am so thankful for our health. Cancer is a beast that takes away so many of our loved ones far too soon. I am so very thankful that we are all still here and on a journey towards healthier living.
M.M. Toronto, Ontario
A few things have come to mind...... Let us give thanks for life and all the joys of living For food and friends and nature's bounteous giving .....and on a more personal note, I'm thankful for a dear friend I've had for several years now. I look forward to the time we spend together and all that we share.
M.S. Toronto, Ontario
JR - Iowa, USA
On turning 40 in a month: I'm thankful my grey hair suits my complexion, and for the existence of wonder bras.
T.F. Toronto, Ontario
I realize that it is a bit cliché, but I am most thankful for my health and the health of those that I love. Unfortunately, there are too many daily reminders of how very precious and fleeting good health can be. While I feel fit and well I try to remember to give thanks, go to the gym...and eat a bit of cake now and then.
M.H. Toronto, Ontario
I am most thankful for my childhood, which has shaped me into the person and mother I am today. I am grateful to have had a mother who loved me unconditionally and taught me that to love other human beings was the greatest gift. I am grateful for my supportive and kind husband and my two gregarious boys who keep me on my toes! Without them my life would be empty - love love love.
L.S. Toronto, Ontario
Michelle says
It's always great when we take the moments to remember all the good things in our lives. We spend so much time worrying about all the other things!