Last year I put together a list of all the best puberty books for girls and I promised (myself and you) that I would follow up with a list of all the best puberty books for boys. I'm keeping the promise and I'm so excited about it.
Be sure to check out all of our amazing book recommendations on our EPIC Top Books for Kids page.
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I am a mom of two girls and I've been down the "let's talk about puberty" road with my girls. I don't have a boy, but I would imagine that the conversation is just as sticky and awkward (much like puberty itself). When I noticed the tell-tale signs of change in my girls, I decided to take the approach that I do with most things in life - I looked to books for guidance.
I went to our local library and I checked out a big pile of books about puberty. When I returned home, I placed the pile on a table in our living room. I told the girls that the pile of books was there and invited them to take a look...whenever they wanted to.
Kids are naturally curious. They know that their bodies are changing and in general, they want to understand why. Next thing I knew the books disappeared. They were taken to bedrooms and read...over and over again. These books opened our lines of communication. They generated questions. They gave me a jumping off point, "did you read the chapter..." "what did you think of that illustration on page..." "man, that was funny..."
The Best Puberty Books for Boys
Books open the door and then you, as the parent can walk right in and support your child. My hope is that these books will do the same for you and your son (or daughter who is curious about boys or child who is transitioning).
Guy Stuff: The Body Book for Boys If you can pick up just one book, make it this one. The authors behind The Care and Keeping of You for Girls wrote this book and it is awesome. This book uses accessible language, simple illustrations and humour. A great book for boys who are at the beginning stages of puberty - the book does not get too deep into sex or sexuality. This book focuses on the bodily changes and hygiene, social and emotional changes.
The "What's Happening to My Body" Book for Boys This classic book might sound familiar to you - because it was originally published in 1984! Fortunately, the revised and updated version is as great as the original. What makes this book unique is the use of true stories from boys and men - sharing their experiences with puberty and growing up. The revised edition covers proper hygiene, healthy diet and exercise. The book also touches on sexuality, sexual orientation, sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS and birth control. A book that tackles all the topics in a matter-of-fact manner, perfect for curious kids.
Will Puberty Last My Whole Life? It is common practice for teachers to place a "question box" in their classroom when they are teaching sex-ed at school. This book takes you inside the "question box" and answers all the kids' questions. From the (seemingly) ridiculous to the serious...all questions are answered. I loved this book. Each question is answered with respect and factually. It is amazing what kids will ask. It's a "flip book" so half the book is for girls and half the book is for boys. Again, I kinda love this approach. Curious kids want to know what's happening with everyone.
Sex, Puberty and All That Stuff Looking for a book that deals with the emotional and social aspects of puberty and adolescence, then this is the book. Written in language that tweens and teens will understand this book tackles everything from body changes to sexual orientation and sexual abuse. This book also touches on bullying and the role of social media in adolescence. Because this book includes information for boys and girls, this books helps boys understand what's happening with girls too.
Boys' Guide to Becoming a Teen (American Medical Association) If you are looking for a non-judgemental book that gets down to the basics of puberty, this is the book for you. Another matter-of-fact style book that touches on physical and emotional changes boys experience. I appreciate that this book also discusses divorce - a topic that impact many kids. The back of this book is packed full of great resources - websites and hotlines - for parents and kids to check out and explore topics further.
The Body Book for Boys Another great straightforward book for boys. This author uses humour to communicate with the reader. This is a great entry book for young boys. The book answers some of the first "what the heck is happening to my body?" type questions. Illustrations and quizzes add to the lighter nature of the content in the book.
Puberty Boy I loved the book Puberty Girl. These books are filled with beautiful photographs and true stories shared by teens and men - that kids can really identify with. This book is a great introduction to puberty for young readers. They don't dive very deep into difficult subjects. The author is Australian - and the slang used and resources are very Australian. However, if you're looking for a book that sticks to the basics and is beautifully put together then this one is for you.
My Body, My Self for Boys Does your kids like answering quizzes and journalling? This book takes a accessible approach to discussing puberty - totally readable style of writing. All the facts about body changes, hygiene, the physical and emotional changes that take place. Then the quizzes, checklists and questions spark a lot of conversations and deeper thinking (and understanding) for boys.
Boying Up: How to Be Brave Bold and Brilliant So, this book isn't only about puberty, it also focuses on how boys can grow into responsible and respectful young men. This book is written by Mayim Bialik, from The Big Bang Theory, which might pique your child's interest. Bialik is a mom of boys and has a very respectful way of communicating in this book. If your child likes a scientific, matter-of-fact approach, with a good dose of humour, then this book will be a great fit.
Did your favourite puberty book make the list? If it didn't, please share your favourite in the comments below. I'd love to know what books have worked for you and your family.
Now that you've checked out the best books on puberty for boys, be sure to have a read of our collection of books on puberty for girls...
Best puberty books for girls
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