Well, what landed on the kitchen counter was a puppy. Arthur landed on the counter and has officially taken over our lives. Please tell me they eventually calm down, poop less and can get themselves up and down the stairs! Okay, so what else landed on our kitchen counter this week...
With the arrival of the new puppy we did some research and on Monday we shared a list of the top most dangerous foods and plants for dogs...keep your pouch safe.
On Tuesday, we shared the Energizer Free Their Imagination Contest...did you see this one? Energizer is giving away Crayola prizes every hour of every day until October 1st...use our bonus pin "marker" and get an extra entry every hour! #freetheirimagination
Wednesday, we introduced you to Cathy from over at NurtureStore and her beautiful ebook "The Garden Classroom: 52 Kids Gardening Activities"...check out what is on Cathy's kitchen counter.
Our tour of Toronto's libraries continued on Thursday, with us visiting the Riverdale branch...a library that really reflects its community.
This weekend will be filled with watching plenty of Olympic events! Next week we'll be getting crafty Olympic style!
Have a great weekend everyone!