The girls and I have also been playing along with Hands On As We Grow and Imagination Tree's Play 30 Days to Play Challenge. The girls really enjoyed pulling out some holiday books and reading in a little reading nook we created together.

And, despite the chill in the air this week, we have really enjoyed getting outside every day to play with Active Kids Club and Polarn O. Pyret's Make Every Day a Play Day.
And, don't forget to hop over to and check out the photo gallery of holiday decorating ideas, using 3M Products. Have a look at my ideas......and cast your vote for your favourite and you might just win a VISA gift card...or two!
Phew! We have been busy this week. Hope you have had a good week too! If you happen to be in Toronto this weekend - don't forget Sunday is the Santa Claus Parade! Don't forget to get there early, pack a snack, dress in layers and bring along some to entertain the kids before the parade starts. (Or, you can always watch it on TV)
Have a great weekend everyone!