Well, after a lot of research on the subject I have discovered that the two dishes are basically interchangeable. Some people believe that shepherd's pie should always be made with mutton or lamb (sheep) because shepherds care for sheep. Other people consider this to be a food myth...who knew such myths existed? There seems to be some discrepancies depending on where you live. What is really fascinating is that this style of "pie" exists all over the world. What I have discovered is that there are no hard and fast rules for either of these dishes. I found recipes with peas, without peas, with carrots, with tomato paste, with celery and without. I even found recipes with cheese melted on top. The bottom line, take some minced meat (ground) add some chopped veggie and top with mashed potato - done. Here's what I call shepherd's pie.

Wendy says
I have a whole pot of mash left-over which Shaun (the Brit) begged me to turn into Cottage Pie. I told him I will no longer eat such "peasant food" and (I am a vegetarian) compromised by making salmon fish cakes.
KitchenCounterChronicles says
Yes, fish cakes are another alternative...well done!
andie jaye says
hmmm.. i've never actually known what shepherd's pie was. thanks for the cooking lesson 🙂 it looks pretty good too! thanks so much for linking up to tip-toe thru tuesday last week! hope to see you again this week!